IPv6 the topic for special edition of the LINX Internet magazine IPv6 the topic for special edition of the LINX Internet magazine
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IPv6 the topic for special edition of the LINX Internet magazine

Bargainplace.co.uk - London Internet News: "IPv6 the topic for special edition of the LINX Internet magazine ... - PRLog.Org (press release)

IPv6 the topic for special edition of the LINX Internet magazine ...
PRLog.Org (press release), TX
PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 11, 2009 – The London Internet Exchange (LINX) has announced the publication of a special IPv6 edition of the Internet magazine, HotLINX, available for download now from the LINX website. Current estimates are that there is ...

Internet review: London Shop Fronts - guardian.co.uk

Internet review: London Shop Fronts
guardian.co.uk, UK
There is currently a tourism initiative casting London as the shopping capital of the world. True, perhaps, if you're from a country where the exchange rate makes Harvey Nichols seem as reasonable as Aldi. This website paints a far truer reflection of ...

Opera's Bruising Browser War - Forbes

PC World

Opera's Bruising Browser War
Forbes, NY
LONDON -- 'Microsoft has been doing something illegal for a very, very long time,' says Jon von Tetzchner. A lot of people outside of Redmond, Wash. would probably agree. But in this case, the 41-year-old chief executive and cofounder of Opera Software ..."

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